States of Payment Page


Payment Pages in the PortOne merchant portal can exist in either an Active or Inactive state. Understanding these states is crucial for effectively managing your payment pages and ensuring a seamless experience for your customers.

Active State


  • A Payment Page in the Active state is fully operational and can accept payments from customers. This means that the page is live, and customers can complete the payment for the product listed via the Payment page.

Key Characteristics:

  • Availability: Customers can access the page via its URL and make payments without any restrictions.
  • Visibility: The page is visible and accessible in the Payment Pages list within the PortOne merchant portal.
  • Modifications: While in Active state, you can still edit the page’s details, such as payment options, branding, and custom input fields. Changes can be made in real-time without taking the page offline.

When to Use:

  • When you’re ready for customers to start making payments.
  • During promotional periods or events where you want the page to be accessible for a specific duration.

How to Activate a Payment Page:

  1. Navigate to the Payment Pages section in the PortOne merchant portal.
  2. Select the Payment Page you wish to activate, click on the ellipses button in the last columns, and click on the "View details" dropdown.
  3. Click the "Activate" button if the page is currently inactive.

  1. The page will now be live and ready to accept payments.

Inactive State


  • A Payment Page in the Inactive state is not available for customer transactions. This means that the page is offline, and any attempt to access the page URL will result in a message indicating that the page is not available.

Key Characteristics:

  • Availability: The page cannot be accessed by customers, and payments cannot be processed through it.
  • Visibility: The page remains listed in the Payment Pages section but is marked as Inactive.
  • Modifications: You can still edit and update the details of the page while it is inactive. These changes will take effect once the page is reactivated.

When to Use:

  • When the payment page is no longer needed for transactions but might be required in the future.
  • During periods of maintenance or updates to the page where you do not want it to be accessible to customers.
  • To temporarily halt transactions while retaining the page for future use.

How to Inactivate a Payment Page:

  1. Go to the Payment Pages section in the PortOne merchant portal.
  2. Select the Payment Page you wish to deactivate.
  3. Click the "Deactivate" button if the page is currently active.

  1. The page will now be marked as Inactive and will no longer accept payments.

Managing State Transitions

Switching Between States:

  • You can easily switch a Payment Page between Active and Inactive states as needed. This flexibility allows you to manage your payment options based on your business requirements.


  • Ensure that customers are notified if a Payment Page they previously accessed becomes inactive. This can help avoid confusion and ensure a smooth customer experience.

Impact on Existing Transactions:

  • Switching a Payment Page to Inactive will not affect transactions that have already been initiated. These transactions will continue to process normally unless canceled by the user.