iPay88 is a payment company that offers e-commerce, retail, online banking, e-wallets solutions and more to its merchants.
iPay88 offers merchants comprehensive online payment options such as credit/debit cards, bank transfers and alternative online payments. The payment process uses a redirect approach, customers will be redirected to a secure iPay88 page where they will make a payment and then be returned to your store.
Supported Countries
- Indonesia 🇮🇩
- Thailand 🇹🇭
Available Payment Methods
Payment Type | Payment Method Key | Currency | Status | Sandbox Availability |
Ovo Wallet | IPAY88_OVO | IDR | ✅ | ❌ |
Dana Wallet | IPAY88_DANA | IDR | ✅ | ✅ |
LinkAja Wallet | IPAY88_LINKAJA | IDR | ✅ | ❌ |
ShopeePay Wallet | IPAY88_SHOPEEPAY | IDR | ✅ | ❌ |
Maybank Virtual Account | IPAY88_MAYBANK_VA | IDR | ✅ | ✅ |
Permata Virtual Account | IPAY88_PERMATA_VA | IDR | ✅ | ✅ |
Mandiri Virtual Account | IPAY88_MANDIRI_ATM | IDR | ✅ | ✅ |
Akulaku | IPAY88_AKULAKU | IDR | ✅ | ❌ |
GPN | IPAY88_GPN | IDR | ✅ | ❌ |
Nobubank QR | IPAY88_NOBUBANK_QR | IDR | ✅ | ❌ |
ShopeePay QR | IPAY88_SHOPEEPAY_QR | IDR | ✅ | ❌ |
Credit Cards | IPAY88_CREDIT_CARD | THB | ✅ | ✅ |
KBank | IPAY88_KBANK | THB | ✅ | ❌ |
SCB Bank | IPAY88_SCB | THB | ✅ | ❌ |
BAY Bank | IPAY88_BAY | THB | ✅ | ❌ |
BBL Bank | IPAY88_BBL | THB | ✅ | ❌ |
PromptPay | IPAY88_PROMPT_PAY | THB | ✅ | ❌ |
Rabbit LinePay Wallet | IPAY88_RABBIT_LINE_PAY | THB | ✅ | ✅ |
ShopeePay Wallet | IPAY88_SHOPEEPAY_JUMPAPP | THB | ✅ | ❌ |
TrueMoney Wallet | IPAY88_TRUE_MONEY | THB | ✅ | ❌ |
Miscellaneous Details
- Merchant needs to register Referer Domain https://portone.io/ with iPay88
- Amount in Decimal value not supported for IDR currency
- Description is mandatory
- In Order details following fields are mandatory:
- Id
- Name
- Quantity
- Price
- In Billing details and Shipping details following fields are mandatory:
- Name
- Surname
- Phone
- Address - Line 1
- Address - City
- Address - State
- Address - Postal Code
- Address - Country Code
- Description is mandatory
- In Billing details following fields are mandatory:
- Name
- Phone
Use following values in embedded JS code to pay via iPay88 channel
"pmt_channel": "IPAY88",
"pmt_method": { Any of above given payment method keys },
country | merchantCode | merchantKey |
Indonesia | ID01829 | pNaUOCSyP4 |
Thailand | TH00010 | 4SLxHL1j2Y |
Test card data for Thailand Credit Card payment method
Type | Card number | Name | Valid through | CVV/OTP |
Credit Card | 4000 0000 0000 0002 | TEST CARD | 12/22 | 123 |
Test Phone details for Dana wallet
Mobile Number | SMS | Password |
81220202020 | 8888 | 082020 |
Test Virtual Account ATM Simulator
Sample payload for initiatePayment
"key": {portone_key},
"merchant_order_id": {merchant_order_id},
"amount": 40000,
"currency": "IDR",
"signature_hash": {signature_hash},
"billing_details": {
"billing_name": "Test Customer",
"billing_email": "markweins@gmail.com",
"billing_phone": "+7467345493",
"billing_address": {
"city": "Jakarta",
"country_code": "ID",
"locale": "vi",
"line_1":"Address line 1",
"line_2":"Address line 2",
"postal_code": "400202",
"state": "Mah",
"shipping_details": {
"shipping_name": "Test Customer",
"shipping_email": "markweins@gmail.com",
"shipping_phone": "+4875867484",
"shipping_address": {
"city": "abc",
"country_code": "ID",
"locale": "vn",
"line_1": "address_1",
"line_2": "address_2",
"postal_code": "400202",
"state": "Bac Giang"
"order_details": [
"id": "1",
"name": "abc",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 40000
"success_url": "https://dev-checkout.portone.cloud/success.html",
"failure_url": "https://dev-checkout.portone.cloud/failure.html",
"pmt_channel": "IPAY88",
"pmt_method": { Any of above given payment method keys },
"description":"Payment for the order #42140324",
Sample payload for paymentLink
"portone_key": {portone_key},
"merchant_details": {
"name": "Test company",
"back_url": "https://dev-admin.portone.io",
"promo_code": "NA",
"promo_discount": 0,
"shipping_charges": 0
"signature_hash": {signature_hash},
"amount": 20000,
"currency": "IDR",
"country_code": "ID",
"merchant_order_id": {merchant_order_id},
"billing_details": {
"billing_name": "Test Customer",
"billing_email": "markweins@gmail.com",
"billing_phone": "+4534283293",
"billing_address": {
"city": "Jakarta",
"country_code": "ID",
"locale": "vi",
"line_1":"Address line 1",
"line_2":"Address line 2",
"postal_code": "400202",
"state": "Mah",
"shipping_details": {
"shipping_name": "Test Customer",
"shipping_email": "markweins@gmail.com",
"shipping_phone": "+5454934232",
"shipping_address": {
"city": "abc",
"country_code": "ID",
"locale": "vi",
"line_1": "address_1",
"line_2": "address_2",
"postal_code": "400202",
"state": "Bac Giang"
"success_url": "https://dev-checkout.portone.cloud/success.html",
"failure_url": "https://dev-checkout.portone.cloud/failure.html",
"expiry_hours": 48,
"source": "api",
"description": "Payment for the order #42140324",
"show_shipping_details": false,
"show_back_button": true,
"default_guest_checkout": false,
"is_checkout_embed": false,
"environment": "sandbox",
"order_details": [
"id": "1",
"name": "abc",
"quantity": 2,
"price": 10000
Sample additional data response for initiatePayment (Thailand)
"additional_data": {
"Amount": "40000.00",
"BackendURL": "https://api.portone.cloud/webhook/ipay88/"{portone_key}"?country=TH",
"Currency": "THB",
"MerchantCode": {Merchant_code},
"PaymentId": 82,
"PostingURL": "https://sandbox.ipay88.co.th/epayment/entry.asp",
"ProdDesc": "Payment for the order #42140324",
"RefNo": {Order_ref},
"ResponseURL": "https://api.portone.cloud/api/handleShopperRedirect/IPAY88?country=TH",
"Signature": "5506cd211a6ac76cca90ab385057fdb70a287c2f434c3ae9f3bd5a9ca1822d68",
"SignatureType": "SHA256",
"UserContact": "+7467345493",
"UserEmail": "markweins@gmail.com",
"UserName": "Firstname Surname"
Payment Redirect (Thailand)
In the response of initiatePayment API with additional data but no redirect URl or deep link, then the merchants needs to submit the form using form method post.
Payment Redirect Sample
<FORM method="post" name="ePayment" action={PostingURL}>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="MerchantCode" value={MerchantCode}>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="PaymentId" value={PaymentId}>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="RefNo" value={RefNo}>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="Amount" value={Amount}>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="Currency" value={Currency}>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="ProdDesc" value={ProdDesc}>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="UserName" value={UserName}>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="UserEmail" value={UserEmail}>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="UserContact" value={UserContact}>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="Remark" value="">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="Lang" value="ISO-8859-1">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="SignatureType" value={SignatureType}>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="Signature" value={Signature}>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="ResponseURL" value={ResponseURL}>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="BackendURL" value={BackendURL}>
<INPUT type="submit" value="Proceed with Payment" name="Submit">
Sample additional data response for initiatePayment (Indonesia)
"additional_data": {
"CheckoutID": "7758028124035bd7baaa33b8d5a3b11803c8b0997a5d2a733affce6f1504f729",
"Code": "1",
"PostingURL": "https://sandbox.ipay88.co.id/PG/",
"RefNo": {Order_ref},
"Signature": "aa5134dee1343cfaec465f6134d4ce2b57fd92db5ea1cdb7e5321ee007b7d263"
Payment Redirect (Indonesia)
In the response of initiatePayment API with additional data but no redirect URl or deep link, then the merchants needs to submit the form using form method post.
Payment Redirect Sample
<form method="POST" name="redirect" action={PostingURL}>
<input type="hidden" name="CheckoutID" value={CheckoutID} />
<input type="hidden" name="Signature" value={Signature} />
<script language=javascript>
Reference links
Updated 4 months ago