The Port Platform feature in PortOne enables merchants (say Master-merchant) to manage multiple sub-merchants under a single master merchant account. Sub-merchants can use the master merchant’s payment channel credentials to process payments, simplifying the management and integration of payment systems for complex merchant networks. This feature is ideal for businesses that operate multiple entities or franchises, allowing them to consolidate payment operations while providing sub-merchants with the tools they need to succeed.

Key Features

1. Create and Manage Sub-Merchants

  • Create multiple sub-merchants within your PortOne account, each with its own profile and access settings.
  • Manage sub-merchant operations, view transaction data, and control sub-merchant settings through a centralized dashboard.

2. Invite Sub-Merchants via Email

  • Send email invitations to potential sub-merchants, allowing them to join your account quickly and easily.
  • Invitations provide sub-merchants with a secure way to access the system, configure their accounts, and start processing payments.

3. Shared Payment Channel Credentials

  • Sub-merchants can process payments using the master merchant’s payment channel credentials.
  • This setup eliminates the need for each sub-merchant to set up their own payment infrastructure, streamlining operations and reducing costs.

4. Activate/Inactivate Sub-Merchants

  • As a master merchant, you can activate or inactivate sub-merchants at any time.
  • Inactivated sub-merchants lose access to payment channels and system functionality, allowing you to control activity as needed.


Franchise Management: A franchise owner can manage payments for all franchisees using the master merchant’s payment channel. Each franchise (sub-merchant) can operate independently while benefiting from shared payment infrastructure.

Multi-Entity Businesses: Businesses with multiple branches or stores can simplify their payment operations by allowing all branches to process payments through the master merchant’s account.

Agency or Consulting Firms: Agencies or consultants who manage payments for multiple clients can set up each client as a sub-merchant. This allows for simplified payment management while ensuring each client’s transactions are processed using shared credentials.


Shared Payment Credentials: All payments processed by sub-merchants can be routed through the master merchant’s payment credentials, ensuring consistency and security.

PCI DSS Compliance: PortOne’s payment infrastructure adheres to PCI DSS standards, safeguarding all payment-related data.

Access Control: The master merchant retains full control over sub-merchant permissions and can define the scope of their access to reports, transaction management, and more.

Audit Logging: All sub-merchant activities are logged and can be audited by the master merchant for compliance and oversight.