
Portone's pre built checkout

Embed SDK Overview

The Embed SDK is designed for rapid integration across multiple platforms like Android, Flutter, iOS, and React Native. It allows developers to integrate payment processing using a WebView, making it ideal for apps that prioritize speed and simplicity over full UI customization.

Platform-Specific Integration Overview

The integration pattern is consistent across platforms, opening a WebView for payment processing. While the steps are similar, code and setup vary slightly based on the platform.

AndroidFlutteriOSReact Native
Integration Type : WebView✓✓✓✓
Integration ProcessAndroidFlutteriOSReact Native

When to Use the Embed SDK

Use CaseDescription
Quick LaunchFor projects that need speed-to-market with minimal development effort.
Standardized CheckoutApps that can rely on PortOne's pre-designed checkout UI without customizations.
Unified ExperienceProvides a consistent payment flow across different platforms and devices.

Sequence Diagram

Normal Flow
The Normal Flow redirects users to the webView to complete the payment process. After authentication and verification in the web interface, the user is redirected back to the app with the payment result.

App-to-App Flow
The App-to-App Flow is used when the payment method requires the user to complete the payment process in another application (such as a banking or wallet app). After authentication in the external app, the user is redirected back to the merchant app.

AspectNormal FlowApp-to-App Flow
User Stays in AppMaybe (Redirect to web browser/WebView)No (Redirect to external app)
AuthenticationHandled via web interfaceHandled by an external app
RedirectsYes (to and from web browser/WebView)Yes (to and from external app)
User ExperienceUser is redirected but can complete in-appRequires app switching, possible disruption

Why Embed SDK ?

  • Simple Integration : Apps that need a fast, simple integration with minimal customization effort, and where the entire payment flow can occur in a WebView.

Screenshots(Portone's pre built checkout)

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