While large merchants may have the capability and resources to provide websites for enabling online payments, not every merchant enjoys this advantage. With the increasing importance of online transactions, payment links offer merchants the flexibility to expand their payment collection options. These links allow customers to make payments with just a few simple clicks on their devices.

What are Payment Links?

Payment links are a simple and convenient way for businesses to collect customer payments without needing a complex checkout system. Here’s a summary of what they are:

Definition: Payment links are unique URLs generated by a payment provider that direct customers to a secure payment page.

Functionality: Customers can use the link to select their payment method and complete the transaction directly from their device, such as a smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Use Cases: They are often used by businesses that do not have an integrated online payment system, such as small merchants, freelancers, service providers, and those who sell via social media or messaging platforms.


  • No Website Needed: Businesses can collect payments without needing a full e-commerce site.
  • Ease of Use: Links can be shared through various channels like email, SMS, or social media.
  • Customizable: Many services allow customization of the payment page to reflect the business’s branding.
  • Tracking: Merchants can track payment statuses and generate reports.
  • Functionality: Payment links often support features like recurring payments, invoice generation, and integration with accounting tools.

In essence, payment links streamline the payment collection process, making it easier for both businesses and their customers.

Payment link Flow

Why choose PortOne Payment Links?

PortOne Payment links enable customers to make transactions directly from their devices. Here are some key benefits of using payment links:

Ease of Use:

  • Simplified Process: Creating and sending payment links is straightforward, requiring minimal technical knowledge.
  • Convenient Payment: Customers can make payments with a few clicks, without needing to navigate a complex checkout system.

No Website Required:

  • Quick Setup: Merchants can start accepting payments immediately without needing a full e-commerce website.
  • Cost-Effective: Avoids the cost and effort associated with developing and maintaining an online store.


  • Versatile Use: Payment links can be used across various channels, including email, SMS, social media, and messaging apps.
  • Customizable: Merchants can customize the payment page to match their branding, including logos, colors, and themes.

Enhanced Security:

  • Secure Transactions: Payment links are typically hosted on secure, PCI-compliant payment platforms, ensuring that transactions are safe and data is protected.

Tracking and Reporting:

  • Transaction Insights: Merchants can track payment statuses and generate reports to gain insights into their payment collection and customer behavior.
  • Easy Reconciliation: Simplifies the reconciliation process by providing a clear record of transactions.

Cost Efficiency:

  • Reduced Overhead: Eliminates the need for additional hardware like POS terminals and reduces transaction fees compared to some other payment methods.
  • Lower Risk of Fraud: Payment links reduce the risk of fraud associated with handling cash or checks.

Global Reach:

  • International Payments: Facilitates payments from customers worldwide without needing complex cross-border payment setups.
  • Multi-Currency Support: Some payment link services support multiple currencies, making it easier to cater to international customers.

Increased Sales Opportunities:

  • Quick Payments: Reduces barriers to completing transactions, potentially increasing conversion rates and sales.
  • Promotional Flexibility: Easily create and share promotional payment links for discounts, special offers, or limited-time sales.

Overall, payment links offer a user-friendly, cost-effective, and secure solution for collecting payments, making them a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes.

Use cases of PortOne Payment Links

Payment links are versatile and can be used in various scenarios to streamline payment collection. Here are some common use cases:

Freelancers and Service Providers:

  • Invoices: Send payment links to clients for freelance work or services rendered.
  • One-Time Services: Request payment for one-off services like consulting, design work, or repair services.

Small Businesses and Merchants:

  • Online Sales: Share payment links through social media, email, or messaging apps to collect product payments without a full e-commerce site.
  • Pre-Orders: Accept payments for pre-ordered products or special promotions.

Educational Institutions:

  • Tuition Fees: Send payment links to students or parents for tuition and other fees.
  • Course Registrations: Collect payments for course registrations, workshops, or seminars.

Nonprofits and Charities:

  • Donations: Share payment links for donations and fundraising campaigns.
  • Event Fees: Collect registration fees for charity events or auctions.

Event Organizers:

  • Tickets: Provide payment links for purchasing tickets to events, conferences, or workshops.
  • RSVP Fees: Collect fees for RSVP or participation in special events.

Retail and Restaurants:

  • Order Fulfillment: Send payment links for online orders or reservations.
  • Gift Cards: Offer gift cards through payment links.

Personal Use:

  • Splitting Bills: Share payment links with friends or family to split expenses or bills.

International Transactions:

  • Cross-Border Payments: Facilitate payments from international customers without needing a multi-currency payment gateway.

Payment links simplify the payment process, making it accessible and convenient for both businesses and customers across a variety of use cases.