Creating a New Regular Plan


This document provides a comprehensive guide for creating a Regular Plan using the PortOne Dashboard. A Regular Plan allows merchants to set up fixed recurring payments for their customers at regular intervals.

Steps to Create a Regular Plan

1. Login to the Portal

2. Navigate to the Subscriptions Section

  • From the left sidebar, click on Subscriptions.
  • Select the Plan option.

3. Click on Create Plan

  • Tap on the "Create Plan" button to begin creating a new plan.

4. Fill in the Plan Details

Provide the following details to set up the Regular Plan:

Plan Name · required

  • Enter the name of the plan.
  • Example: "Monthly Fitness Subscription"

Description · required

  • Add a brief description of the plan.
  • Note: Maximum 100 characters are allowed.
  • Example: "Access to premium fitness classes."

Additional Notes (Optional)

  • Toggle the checkbox to add additional notes.
  • For each note, fill in the following:
    • Title: Enter the note title.
    • Description: Provide a detailed description of the note.
  • You can add multiple notes if required.

On Demand

  • Do not enable this option for Regular Plans.
  • This option is only used for charging flexible amounts when needed.

5. Set Plan Frequency

Define the billing frequency for the plan:

  • Every: Enter a numeric value.
    • Example: "1" (for one billing cycle).
  • Period: Select the desired period from the dropdown menu:
    • Options: Hour, Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year.

Explaining Frequency and Period Fields

The frequency and period fields work together to define how often billing occurs. Examples are provided below:

  • D (Days): A period of D means each step is in Days.
  • W (Weeks): A period of W means each step is in weeks.
  • M (Months): A period of M means each step is in months.
  • Q (Quarters): A period of Q means each step is in quarters (3-month periods).
  • Y (Years): A period of Y means each step is in years.

The frequency number specifies how many intervals occur within the chosen period.

  • If frequency is 2 and period is W, the event will happen every 2 weeks.
  • If frequency is 3 and period is M, the event will happen every 3 months.

6. Select Currency and Amount

  • Currency: Choose the applicable currency for the plan (e.g., USD, VND).
  • Amount: Enter the fixed amount to be charged at each interval.
    • Example: "50.00 USD"

7. Create the Plan

  • Review the entered details for accuracy.
  • Click on the "Create Plan" button to finalize the plan setup.

Key Notes

  1. Mandatory Fields: Ensure that Plan Name, Description, Frequency, Period, Currency, and Amount are correctly filled.
  2. Regular Plan Configuration: Do not enable the "On Demand" option for Regular Plans.
  3. Additional Notes: Use this feature to provide extra information to customers as needed.
  4. Accuracy: Double-check all entered details before creating the plan.