Create Payment Link via Dashboard

Payment Link Creation Documentation

Creating payment links on PortOne is a straightforward and flexible process. Payment links can be created manually through the Merchant Portal Dashboard or automatically via APIs. This document provides detailed instructions for both methods.

Creating a Payment Link via PortOne Console (Manual)

To create a Payment Link in the PortOne Dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the PortOne Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the PAYMENT LINKS section via the Left Navigation bar.
  3. Click on + Create Payment Link.

Enter Payment Link Details
In the Payment Link modal, fill in the required details:

  • Amount (Mandatory) : Enter the amount.
  • Currency (Mandatory): Select the currency for the Payment Link. Note: Payments can be accepted in international currencies.
  • Description (Optional) : Provide a description for the payment. Example: "School fees for Nyugen Phan - Class XII B".
  • Customer Email ID (Optional): Enter the customer's email. Example: [email protected].
  • Customer Phone Number (Optional): Enter the customer's phone number. Example: 9876543210.
  • Notify via Email (Optional): Select this option to send the Payment Link to the customer via email. (Available only if the customer's email is provided).
  • Notify via SMS (Optional): Select this option to send the Payment Link to the customer via SMS. (Available only if the customer's phone number is provided).
  • Send Immediately (Optional): Select this option to send the Payment Link to the customer via SMS. (Available only if the customer's phone number is provided).
  • Schedule Link (Optional) Set Set the date and time when the Payment Link should be sent to the customer through configured email or SMS.
  • Custom Link Reference (Optional): Provide a unique reference number for the link. Example: mypaylink_Adbb001.
  • Link Expiry (Optional) Set the date and time when the Payment Link should expire, By default link does not expire.
  • Notes (Optional): Provide multiple internal notes for the Payment Link. Example: Title (key) - Acme Corp.

Review and Create

Review all the entered details.
Click Create Payment Link to finalize the process.

Copy and Share

Copy the generated payment link and send it to your customers through their preferred communication channels.

By following these steps, you can easily create a Payment Link in the PortOne Dashboard. For additional support or queries, please refer to the PortOne support resources or contact customer support.