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Code samples to generate Signature hash while creating Plan and Subscription

Regular Plan#

package main
import (
type RequestObj struct {
Amount float64
ClientKey string
Currency string
Frequency int64
MerchantOrderRef string
func GenerateSignature(requestObj RequestObj, portOneSecret string) string {
// Create a url.Values map and add the necessary parameters
params := make(url.Values)
params.Add("amount", strconv.FormatFloat(requestObj.Amount, 'f', -1, 64))
params.Add("client_key", requestObj.ClientKey)
params.Add("currency", requestObj.Currency)
params.Add("frequency", strconv.Itoa(int(requestObj.Frequency)))
params.Add("merchant_order_ref", requestObj.MerchantOrderRef)
// Encode the parameters
data := params.Encode()
// fmt.Println("data is:", data)
// Create the HMAC hash using SHA-256
secret := []byte(portOneSecret)
message := []byte(data)
hash := hmac.New(sha256.New, secret)
// Convert the hash to a base64 string
hashValue := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
return hashValue
func main() {
portOneKey := "PORTONE_KEY"
portOneSecret := "PORTONE_SECRET"
// The unique merchant order reference generated by the merchant
merchantOrderRef := ""
requestObj := RequestObj{
Amount: 100.00,
ClientKey: portOneKey,
Currency: "USD",
Frequency: 12,
MerchantOrderRef: merchantOrderRef,
// Generate the signature
signature := GenerateSignature(requestObj, portOneSecret)
// Output the signature
fmt.Println("Signature is:", signature)

Regular Subscription#

package main
import (
type RequestObj struct {
ClientKey string
Currency string
FailureUrl string
MerchantOrderRef string
Quantity int64
SuccessUrl string
func GenerateSignature(requestObj RequestObj, portOneSecret string) string {
// Create a url.Values map and add the necessary parameters
params := make(url.Values)
params.Add("client_key", requestObj.ClientKey)
params.Add("currency", requestObj.Currency)
params.Add("failure_url", requestObj.FailureUrl)
params.Add("merchant_order_ref", requestObj.MerchantOrderRef)
params.Add("quantity", strconv.Itoa(int(requestObj.Quantity)))
params.Add("success_url", requestObj.SuccessUrl)
// Encode the parameters
data := params.Encode()
// fmt.Println("data is:", data)
// Create the HMAC hash using SHA-256
secret := []byte(portOneSecret)
message := []byte(data)
hash := hmac.New(sha256.New, secret)
// Convert the hash to a base64 string
hashValue := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
return hashValue
func main() {
portOneKey := "PORTONE_KEY"
portOneSecret := "PORTONE_SECRET"
// The unique merchant order reference generated by the merchant
merchantOrderRef := ""
requestObj := RequestObj{
ClientKey: portOneKey,
Currency: "USD",
MerchantOrderRef: merchantOrderRef,
Quantity: 1,
SuccessUrl: "",
FailureUrl: "",
// Generate the signature
signature := GenerateSignature(requestObj, portOneSecret)
// Output the signature
fmt.Println("Signature is:", signature)

Ondemand Plan#

package main
import (
type RequestObj struct {
ClientKey string
Currency string
MerchantOrderRef string
func GenerateSignature(requestObj RequestObj, portOneSecret string) string {
// Create a url.Values map and add the necessary parameters
params := make(url.Values)
params.Add("client_key", requestObj.ClientKey)
params.Add("currency", requestObj.Currency)
params.Add("merchant_order_ref", requestObj.MerchantOrderRef)
// Encode the parameters
data := params.Encode()
// fmt.Println("data is:", data)
// Create the HMAC hash using SHA-256
secret := []byte(portOneSecret)
message := []byte(data)
hash := hmac.New(sha256.New, secret)
// Convert the hash to a base64 string
hashValue := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
return hashValue
func main() {
portOneKey := "PORTONE_KEY"
portOneSecret := "PORTONE_SECRET"
// The unique merchant order reference generated by the merchant
merchantOrderRef := ""
requestObj := RequestObj{
ClientKey: portOneKey,
Currency: "USD",
MerchantOrderRef: merchantOrderRef,
// Generate the signature
signature := GenerateSignature(requestObj, portOneSecret)
// Output the signature
fmt.Println("Signature is:", signature)

Ondemand Subscription#

package main
import (
type RequestObj struct {
ClientKey string
Currency string
FailureUrl string
MerchantOrderRef string
SuccessUrl string
func GenerateSignature(requestObj RequestObj, portOneSecret string) string {
// Create a url.Values map and add the necessary parameters
params := make(url.Values)
params.Add("client_key", requestObj.ClientKey)
params.Add("currency", requestObj.Currency)
params.Add("failure_url", requestObj.FailureUrl)
params.Add("merchant_order_ref", requestObj.MerchantOrderRef)
params.Add("success_url", requestObj.SuccessUrl)
// Encode the parameters
data := params.Encode()
// fmt.Println("data is:", data)
// Create the HMAC hash using SHA-256
secret := []byte(portOneSecret)
message := []byte(data)
hash := hmac.New(sha256.New, secret)
// Convert the hash to a base64 string
hashValue := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
return hashValue
func main() {
portOneKey := "PORTONE_KEY"
portOneSecret := "PORTONE_SECRET"
// The unique merchant order reference generated by the merchant
merchantOrderRef := ""
requestObj := RequestObj{
ClientKey: portOneKey,
Currency: "USD",
MerchantOrderRef: merchantOrderRef,
SuccessUrl: "",
FailureUrl: "",
// Generate the signature
signature := GenerateSignature(requestObj, portOneSecret)
// Output the signature
fmt.Println("Signature is:", signature)

Ondemand Deduction#

package main
import (
type RequestObj struct {
Amount float64
ClientKey string
Currency string
MerchantOrderRef string
SubscriptionOrderRef string
func GenerateSignature(requestObj RequestObj, portOneSecret string) string {
// Create a url.Values map and add the necessary parameters
params := make(url.Values)
params.Add("amount", strconv.FormatFloat(requestObj.Amount, 'f', -1, 64))
params.Add("client_key", requestObj.ClientKey)
params.Add("currency", requestObj.Currency)
params.Add("merchant_order_ref", requestObj.MerchantOrderRef)
params.Add("subscription_order_ref", requestObj.SubscriptionOrderRef)
// Encode the parameters
data := params.Encode()
// fmt.Println("data is:", data)
// Create the HMAC hash using SHA-256
secret := []byte(portOneSecret)
message := []byte(data)
hash := hmac.New(sha256.New, secret)
// Convert the hash to a base64 string
hashValue := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
return hashValue
func main() {
portOneKey := "PORTONE_KEY"
portOneSecret := "PORTONE_SECRET"
// The unique merchant order reference generated by the merchant
merchantOrderRef := ""
// The subscription link's order reference to which you want to make an ondemand deduction
subscriptionOrderRef := ""
requestObj := RequestObj{
Amount: 100.00,
ClientKey: portOneKey,
Currency: "USD",
MerchantOrderRef: merchantOrderRef,
SubscriptionOrderRef: subscriptionOrderRef,
// Generate the signature
signature := GenerateSignature(requestObj, portOneSecret)
// Output the signature
fmt.Println("Signature is:", signature)